2012年12月30日 星期日

在霜凍警告下的保濕良品。Dr. Jart+ Ceramidin™份子釘滋潤保濕急救面霜


在電話裡看到香港天文台的一個警告訊號 - 霜凍警告!


近來就轉用了Dr. Jart+全新Ceramidin™份子釘滋潤保濕急救面霜,它的保濕效果真的很明顯,最重要是保濕得來更不會油膩,使肌膚是刻飲飽水一樣。



原來Dr. Jart+全新Ceramidin™份子釘滋潤保濕急救面霜是在韓國製造的,令人用得放心。

擠出適量的Dr. Jart+全新Ceramidin™份子釘滋潤保濕急救面霜,它的顏色蠻特別,看上去不算太討好,但推開後,真的超級保濕唷!

因為它的保濕效果很明顯,有空的話,bubeee會把Dr. Jart+全新Ceramidin™份子釘滋潤保濕急救面霜厚敷用作面膜,肌膚變得更水潤!

日常上妝的話,bubeee會先用上Dr. Jart+全新Ceramidin™份子釘滋潤保濕急救面霜,再上妝,肌膚變得水潤外,妝容還是貼服的唷,跟以往冬天會脫皮的肌膚說再見去。

Dr. Jart+全新Ceramidin™份子釘滋潤保濕急救面霜的保濕效果很明顯,即使在寒冬下使用,肌膚依舊保持水潤,上妝一點煩惱都沒有,都是很貼服唷!

Bubeee’s Blogspot : http://bubeee.blogspot.com
Bubeee’s Y!Blog : http://blog.yahoo.com/bubeee-jenn
Bubeee’s Weibohttp://weibo.com/bubeee
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Bubeee's Facebook FanPage : http://www.facebook.com/bubeeejenn

2012年12月28日 星期五

[Makeup] Eye Makeup for 2012 New Year’s Eve

After Christmas, it is time for us to get prepared for the year 2013!

To celebrate the coming of 2013, I am going to have New Year's Eve Countdown Gathering with my friends, and I would like to share my makeup look for the coming New Year’s Eve : )

The eye makeup that I am going to share is very longlasting!
The tips is MAC Paint Pot and too cool for school Perfect day makeup fixer!

I have applied some basic makeup and with Banila Co. Prime Primer Pact SPF50+ PA+++, which is a primer pact with high coverage: P

For the eye makeup, I will use MAC Paint Pot as the eye shadow base.

Then, I will use Coastal Scents 88 Ultra Shimmer Palette for the eyeshadow.
Step 1Apply the purple color to the whole eye lid.
Step 2Apply the lighter color on the inner lid area.
Step 3Apply the darker color to eye crease and blend it with the color used in Step 2.

After applying eyeshadow, I am going to use L'Oreal Super Liner 24H Waterproof Gel Eyeliner to draw my eyeliner on the inner rims and upper and lower eyelid.

For Mascara, I am going to use Holika Holika Magic Pole Mascara and this Mascara works well on my lashes and has a significant lengthening effect.

After that, I will apply a lighter color from Coastal Scents 88 Ultra Shimmer Palette to highlight the inner corners of the eye.

Finally, I will apply too cool for school Perfect day makeup fixer to keep the makeup being more longlasting and allow me to play overnight!


The eye Makeup for New Year’s Eve is sweet and makes you look affable in New Year’s Eve Friends’ Gathering!
Happy 2013 : )

Bubeee’s Blogspot : http://bubeee.blogspot.com
Bubeee’s Y!Blog : http://blog.yahoo.com/bubeee-jenn
Bubeee’s Weibohttp://weibo.com/bubeee
Bubeee’s Twitter : http://twitter.com/bubeee
Bubeee's Facebook FanPage : http://www.facebook.com/bubeeejenn

Email : jenki1223@hotmail.com / bubeeejenn@gmail.com

【彩妝】甜蜜感 x 持久度DOUBLE UP 的 2012 除夕眼妝


忙了聖誕節後,又是忙著除夕的聚會或派對活動,所以是日都準備與大家分享甜蜜感 x 持久度DOUBLE UP 的除夕眼妝。

秘密是用上MAC Paint Pot too cool for school Perfect day makeup fixer

先看看只是上了底妝的妝容,而是日的粉底用上了Banila Co. Prime Primer Pact SPF50+ PA+++,妝容即時變得無瑕!(遮瑕能力很強的!)

眼妝的第一個步驟是用上MAC Paint Pot打底,只需要塗上薄薄的一層即可!

然後,就是用上Coastal Scents 88 Ultra Shimmer Palette

Step 1:用上紫色掃滿整個眼窩,不用太重手。
Step 2:用上粉紅色於眼珠前的部份,蓋過剛剛用上紫色的部份。
Step 3:在眼尾的位置就是用深紫色,加深眼部的輪廓感!

用上眼影後,我們就可以用上L'Oreal Super Liner 24H Waterproof Gel Eyeliner,畫內眼線和上眼線和下眼線三分一的位置(下眼線可以輕手一點。)。


是日用上Holika Holika Magic Pole Mascara這件產品是在韓國的旅行天書都有推介的!

最後,用上Coastal Scents 88 Ultra Shimmer Palette的珠光色打亮眼頭即完成這個甜蜜感 x 持久度DOUBLE UP 的除夕眼妝了。

當然要提升彩妝持久度,大家可以用上too cool for school Perfect day makeup fixer定妝!


是日的除夕眼妝甜蜜得來不會眼腫,是一個提升親切感的眼妝,在除夕倒對派對中繼續甜甜蜜蜜步向2013Happy 2013 : )

Bubeee’s Blogspot : http://bubeee.blogspot.com
Bubeee’s Y!Blog : http://blog.yahoo.com/bubeee-jenn
Bubeee’s Weibohttp://weibo.com/bubeee
Bubeee’s Twitter : http://twitter.com/bubeee
Bubeee's Facebook FanPage : http://www.facebook.com/bubeeejenn


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