2011年10月31日 星期一

是日好用:AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」保濕潤膚水 + 保濕潤膚乳液

經常無事都愛到護理用品點逛逛,每次經過AQUA LABEL(水之印)的專櫃,都會停下腳步,試試產品質感,心血來潮又買了。


這次試用的產品就是AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」保濕潤膚水 + 保濕潤膚乳液。

AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」保濕潤膚水產品介紹:

AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」保濕潤膚水,可稱膠原保濕水,共有清爽型和滋潤型可供選擇。

AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」保濕潤膚水蘊含嶄新「高密度水潤配方」,強化肌膚天然的保濕機能將滋潤成分完全滲透角質層至肌底,持續滋潤有助提升肌膚密度全新清爽型配方,質感清新不膩全新滋潤型配方,倍感滋潤。高密度水潤配方雙重透明質酸骨膠原GL

AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」保濕潤膚水宛如點滴般將美肌精華充分滲透,即使是肌膚再乾燥,都能立即吸收,提高滋潤密度。角質層中滿滿的水分,實現膚觸無比彈嫩。

AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」保濕潤膚水,bubeee使用的是MOISTURE LOTION S,質地是水水的,倒適量的份量於化妝棉,用上面上感覺到補水的效果和水潤的。




有關AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」保濕潤膚乳液:
AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」膠原保濕乳液有兩款可供選擇,是清爽型和滋潤型。

AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」保濕潤膚乳液能快速滲透,鎖住水分,提升肌膚滋潤密度,持續水潤飽滿又彈嫩,在肌膚形成保護膜將滋潤成分完全導入至肌底,持續滋潤全新清爽型配方,質感清新不膩全新滋潤型配方,倍感滋潤。

AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」保濕潤膚乳液MOISTURE EMULSION S的質地是很輕的Lotion狀,在手上先把Lotion均勻,再用上面部。

AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」保濕潤膚乳液的滋潤度出奇的好,本以為是乳液,很快就會有乾的感覺,而AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」保濕潤膚乳液都可以一整晚都水潤滿分。

在用了AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」保濕潤膚乳液後,肌膚變得軟綿綿但不會很黏,真是它的一大優點。


第一次用上這個AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」系列,它的價錢合理,其效果都很好。
特別偏愛AQUA LABEL水之印「導入式保濕」保濕潤膚乳液,它的質地水而滋潤,叫人一試愛上,最重要不會過份滋潤,第二日起床都沒有一面油光。


Bubeee’s Blogspot : http://bubeee.blogspot.com
Bubeee’s Y!Blog : http://blog.yahoo.com/bubeee-jenn
Bubeee’s Weibohttp://weibo.com/bubeee
Bubeee’s Twitter : http://twitter.com/bubeee
Bubeee's Facebook FanPage : http://www.facebook.com/bubeeejenn

Email : jenki1223@hotmail.com / bubeeejenn@gmail.com

2011年10月30日 星期日

是日好用:bareMinerals Mineral Veil(純礦物定粧粉)

上回提到用了bareMinerals不同的底妝用品,是次介紹Mineral Veil(純礦物定粧粉)。

bareMinerals Mineral Veil(純礦物定粧粉)是近來在家使用的碎粉,外出時都是配備一個碎粉餅唷。

先是介紹bareMinerals Mineral Veil(純礦物定粧粉):
bareMinerals Mineral Veil(純礦物定粧粉)吸走多餘油分,同時遮蓋幼紋和收細毛孔,具備透亮、保濕、光感、暖色和防曬SPF25產品以供選擇。

bareMinerals Mineral Veil(純礦物定粧粉)可於bareMinerals SPF15純礦物粉底前或後使用,更可以用於粉底後,可平衡油分,整天防止油光泛現。

先倒出一部份的bareMinerals Mineral Veil(純礦物定粧粉),帶點兒粉紅色,再用Brush簡易用上SWIRL 打圈、TAP 輕敲及BUFF 柔掃,三個STEP就完或了。

可以看到bareMinerals的掃可以很容易就把盒蓋的所有bareMinerals Mineral Veil(純礦物定粧粉)沾上,輕敲,直至掃外圍沒有多餘的bareMinerals Mineral Veil(純礦物定粧粉)。




用了數個月,bareMinerals Mineral Veil(純礦物定粧粉)是一個很耐用的碎粉。

bareMinerals Mineral Veil(純礦物定粧粉)有不同色系和功效可供選擇,價錢合理和耐用度都高,是一個不錯的選擇。

Bubeee’s Blogspot : http://bubeee.blogspot.com
Bubeee’s Y!Blog : http://blog.yahoo.com/bubeee-jenn
Bubeee’s Weibohttp://weibo.com/bubeee
Bubeee’s Twitter : http://twitter.com/bubeee
Bubeee's Facebook FanPage : http://www.facebook.com/bubeeejenn

Email : jenki1223@hotmail.com / bubeeejenn@gmail.com

2011年10月28日 星期五

Review : Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment

Thanks to the invitation by Origins Hong Kong , it was my first time to join their blogger event.
After the Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment Bloggers Gathering, Origins has given a product - Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment to each blogger.

Here is the sharing passage about the Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment Blogger Event : 是日活動:Origins Plantscription Anti-aging Eye Treatment Blogger Event

After using Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment for about a month's time, I am going to share the results and effects with all of you : P

About Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment :
Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment contains Anogeissus , Kombucha , Siegesbeckia , Rosemary . Vitamin C and Peptides and other ingredients. It gives the eyes this amazing new lift from nature and see a younger-looking you.

Apply some Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment on hands, its texture is very smooth and easy to blend over the area . It is easily absorbed by the skin : P

Of course, in order to strengthen the repairing eye effect, I have applied Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment as an eye mask.
( The amount should be approximately one to two times more than normal usage. See the picture below. )

After using Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment , the eyes look so fresh and moisturizing : P
( I will apply Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment two to three times a week, it does not need to be washed. Therefore, I can use it as a sleeping eye mask. )

Wow, No more puffy eyes on the next morning.
Lastly, here is the before and after effects for using Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment.

Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment contains natural ingredients and it is consistent with its brand image , I love Origins : P

For my eyes area, I have quite large amount of wrinkles.
( By comparing to the age group, I think. )

During the Product Trial, I have been using Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment every day and it helps me to reduce the fine lines of my eyes , it helps me to gain back the brighter eyes.
( Focus on the Left eye! The fine lines have disappeared. )

I feel very satisfied with Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment and I think I need to check out more Origins Items . : P

Here is the Chinese Version for the Review of Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment : 一個月的見證Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye TreatmentPlantscription™悅肌再生眼部修護霜

Hmm. Stay tuned for my updates.
I will try to post more English-written Reviews!!!! : P

Bubeee’s Blogspot : http://bubeee.blogspot.com
Bubeee’s Y!Blog : http://blog.yahoo.com/bubeee-jenn
Bubeee’s Weibohttp://weibo.com/bubeee
Bubeee’s Twitter : http://twitter.com/bubeee
Bubeee's Facebook FanPage : http://www.facebook.com/bubeeejenn

Email : jenki1223@hotmail.com / bubeeejenn@gmail.com

2011年10月25日 星期二

一個月的見證 ‧ Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment(Plantscription™悅肌再生眼部修護霜)

上月參加了得到邀請到OriginsTraining Room參加Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment Blogger Event,獲得了Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye Treatment試用品。

試用了Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye TreatmentPlantscription™悅肌再生眼部修護霜)產品有約一個月的時間,就跟大家跟進一下bubeee的試用效果。

首先跟大家分享一下Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye TreatmentPlantscription™悅肌再生眼部修護霜)的產品介紹:
Plantscription™悅肌再生眼部修護霜主要天然成份有,非洲長青木萃取(Anogeissus榆木樹)、康普茶(Kombucha)、豨薟草(Siegesbeckia)、迷迭香 (Rosemary)、維他命C及胜肽 (Vitamin C and Peptides)和其他成份,能夠全面對抗頑固的眼部肌膚衰老問題,鞏固眼部肌膚結構。

Plantscription™悅肌再生眼部修護霜將非洲長青木(Anogeissus榆木樹)的天然抗皺功效伸延至脆弱的眼部肌膚,為眼眸開啟更年輕的未來。研究顯示,Plantscription™悅肌再生眼部修護霜具超卓的兩大抗衰老護膚功效,全面擊退眼部肌膚的歲月問題 抗醣化 (Anti-glycation) 和促進膠原蛋白自我增生。


當然,為了進一步增強去眼紋的效果,bubeee會厚敷Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye TreatmentPlantscription™悅肌再生眼部修護霜)。



Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye TreatmentPlantscription™悅肌再生眼部修護霜)的天然成份,配合Origins一向的品牌概念,叫bubeee很愛這個產品。


在這試用期間,每日用心的使用Origins Plantscription™ Anti-aging Eye TreatmentPlantscription™悅肌再生眼部修護霜),它把細紋有效擊退,讓眼部肌膚回復飽滿、緊緻、有彈性。



Bubeee’s Blogspot : http://bubeee.blogspot.com
Bubeee’s Y!Blog : http://blog.yahoo.com/bubeee-jenn
Bubeee’s Weibohttp://weibo.com/bubeee
Bubeee’s Twitter : http://twitter.com/bubeee
Bubeee's Facebook FanPage : http://www.facebook.com/bubeeejenn

Email : jenki1223@hotmail.com / bubeeejenn@gmail.com


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